Tour Operators and Travel Agents

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Who can join?

Tour operators and travel agents
Travel companies are the focus of the Travelife system as they are the key decision makers within the tourism supply chain. In order to join as a company you should appoint a person to take the lead in sustainability management. Once registered the sustainable tourism coordinator is able to register additional staff members. Travel companies join Travelife preferably as member of a Travelife registered association. If your trade association is not involved yet, your company can also participate on individual basis.

Travel associations
Associations have a role in supporting their members towards sustainability. Travelife will provide you with the tools to support your members and can provide you with individual reports and benchmarks of your members’ performances.

Travelife is flexible to the specific needs of each association. Some associations offer Travelife as a preferred but voluntary system to members, other expect their members to comply with basic standards. To date, more than 20 associations are promoting Travelife among their members.

As a hotel you can benefit from Travelife through participation in the Travelife Sustainability System for Hotels which supports and rewards your efforts towards sustainability, and compares your performance with other businesses.

For more information click here.  

Educational Institutes
Educational institutes will find the Travelife tools very helpful as part of their teaching curriculum in sustainable tourism. The Travelife training certificate will provide students with direct benefits on the labour market. Increasingly travel companies prefer to recruit staff with basic knowledge and understanding of sustainability and CSR principles. As an educational institute you can manage and examine your students. You will also have access to the reporting and planning tools, providing students with real life experiences.

If you are a student you will be able to follow the Travelife company training and obtain the personal certificate which qualifies you to act as a travel company Sustainability Co-coordinator. You can join through your educational institute if it is associated with Travelife,  or you can join directly as an individual. 

Destinations are key for sustainable tourism development. Creating more sustainable destinations works best if tour operators, suppliers and local governments work closely together. Travelife supports and facilitates such co-operation and already works together with governments and the local business sector in Austria, Italy, Turkey, Thailand and Egypt. 

Destinations can also communicate their sustainability credentials to Travelife Partner companies who are looking for (more) sustainable destinations. Special destination promotional campaigns can be facilitated by Travelife upon request.  

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