Tour Operators and Travel Agents

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PackagesTravelife EngagedTravelife PartnerTravelife Certified

Stage 1: Travelife Engaged

During the engagement stage the sustainability coordinator (SC) learns about sustainability management for tour  operators and travel agents by taking the Travelife basic training online. The SC will learn about the concrete steps to take, how to assess the company based on the Travelife Partner sustainability standards and create their own improvement plan. During the implementation phase the SC establishes the basic management principles of the company including a mission statement, a sustainability policy, and an action plan.

Benefits for Travelife Engaged members

  • The Travelife on-demand training platform with 18+ trainings.
  • Exams and personal certificates for the SC and unlimited staff members.
  • The ISO 14001, EMAS III and ISO 26000 compatible management system.
  • The Travelife sustainability management tools for self-assessment, action planning, reporting and best practices.
  • Guidance and templates for improving the company’s sustainability performance.
  • Access to certified suppliers.

Company size (FTE*)Yearly contribution
1 - 4 FTE300 EUR
5 - 25 FTE300 EUR
26 - 100 FTE450 EUR
101 - 250 FTE600 EUR
More than 250 FTE600 EUR

* FTE - full time equivalent number of staff members

Stage 2: Travelife Partner

After reporting the achievements of the company against the basic Travelife Partner standards, a desk audit of the company report is performed by the Travelife coach.
Upon compliance, the company will receive the Travelife Partner status, a recognition for their commitment to sustainability. This provides the ideal starting position to continue step-by-step towards certification.

Travelife Partner

Benefits of Travelife Partner status

  • All benefits of Stage 1 plus:
  • Desk audit to confirm Travelife Partner compliance (every two years).
  • Use of the ‘Travelife Partner’ logo.
  • Listing on the public Travelife website and in the B2B matchmaking tool.
  • Online promotion of the company for its commitment to sustainability.
  • Access to the Travelife Certified standard to start working step-by-step towards compliance with the certification standard.
Company size (FTE*)Yearly contribution
1 - 4 FTE300 EUR
5 - 25 FTE300 EUR
26 - 100 FTE450 EUR
101 - 250 FTE600 EUR
More than 250 FTE600 EUR

* FTE - full time equivalent number of staff members

Stage 3: Travelife Certified

The Travelife Certified award is the most comprehensive and rigorous of the three stages. Based on compliance with the Travelife Certified criteria, which is desk audited by the coach, the company can request an independent third-
party assessment. 
The company will be evaluated during an on-site audit based on international auditing standards. Upon compliance it will be awarded the Travelife Certified status as proof of internationally recognised high sustainability performance.

Travelife certified

Benefits of Travelife Certified status

  • All benefits of Stage 2 plus:
  • On-site audit to confirm Travelife Certified compliance (every two years).
  • Surveillance desk audit between two on-site audits.
  • Use of the internationally recognised ‘Travelife Certified’ logo.
  • Online promotion of the company for its excellent sustainability achievements.

Company size

Max number
1 - 4 FTE550 EUR1
5 - 25 FTE950 EUR1
26 - 100 FTE1500 EUR2
101 - 250 FTE2000 EUR3
More than 250 FTE2600 EUR4

* FTE - full time equivalent number of staff members

** Travelife Certified membership includes the fee for the auditor but excludes auditor’s travel costs. Auditors will come from the country or global region of the company.

*** In case the company has additional locations or brands, higher yearly contribution will apply. 

Travelife offers travel companies a 3-stage approach towards sustainability management and certification:

Stage 1. Travelife Engaged
Stage 2. Travelife Partner
Stage 3. Travelife Certified

Upon first registration you enter Stage 1. You can only enter the next stage after you have concluded the requirements of the previous stage.

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